DIY Food and Drinks Traditions

Pumpkin White Hot Chocolate

Calling all Pumpkin Lovers!!!  This simple and delicious drink recipe will have you wanting to cozy up and watch Hallmark movies as well as crave some fresh pumpkin pie!  There are just a couple simple ingredients, most of which I found in the seasonal section at Wal-mart.  You probably have most of these ingredients at home already in preparation for Thanksgiving.  Who needs Starbucks when you can make this glorious drink right in your own kitchen and it leaves the house smelling wonderful!

Follow below for the instructions.



1 cup Pumpkin puree

Baking and Spices

1 tsp Pumpkin pie spice

1 pinch Salt

1 tsp Vanilla

1 cup White chocolate chips


3 cups Milk (I used skim milk, any milk will work fine.)


In medium pan, combine milk, pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, salt and vanilla.

Heat over medium heat whisking until the mixture begins to simmer. Add in white chocolate chips and stir until melted and blended.

Finished Product

Pour into cups or mugs and garnish with whipped topping and sprinkle pumpkin pie spice on the whipped topping. Optional: Adding a cinnamon stick gives it a nice finishing touch!

Enjoy Friends!!!